A Sidekick

I’ve found that explanation from a writer’s blog I follow and thought that point was very interesting. 


Sidekick (noun) – A person’s assistant or close associate, especially one who has less authority than that person. (oxforddictionaries.com)

Where does it come from? The term, ‘Sidekick’ was used by gamblers testing their luck at cards in the 1600s. It meant an ‘ace in the hole’, or a power card held in reserve.


Why do we need sidekicks?

A sidekick is not the same as a confidant, or friend, in novel-writing terminology. He or she is most often employed when the protagonist is isolated or an anti-hero or a maverick. Protagonists in stories with sidekicks are often called upon to be heroes, or to be in charge, and they need support.

We often have characters thrown together in tense situations and they develop a relationship where a sidekick is needed to get a job done. A sidekick may have knowledge or skills that the protagonist needs. He or she may be able to gather information. A sidekick’s role is to help the protagonist move the story forward and achieve the story goal.

The sidekick is generally used in quests, thrillers, police procedurals, military or espionage novels, adventure stories, and capers.


Three Ways a Sidekick Adds to a Story

  1. Relief.  A sidekick can offer comic relief or give readers a character they can identify with, especially when the protagonist is an anti-hero. For example, Holmes becomes a neurotic, overbearing sociopath without the humanity and sense of humour Watson brings to the narrative.
  2. Perspective.  A sidekick has a different way of behaving with the protagonist. This strengthens the reader’s connection to the protagonist. The sidekick can show the main character’s likeability either through their mutual loyalty to each other, or because the sidekick highlights the protagonist’s best qualities.
  3. Tension.  A sidekick offers a chance for tension and disagreements that are not life-threatening on every page. For example, a detective’s sidekick could argue about how the investigation is being handled, or where they should stop for lunch.


10 Examples From Fiction:

Robinson Crusoe and Friday (Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe)

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain)

Sal Paradise and Dean Morarity (On the Road by Jack Kerouac)

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza (Don Quixote byMiguel de Cervantes)

Tyrion Lannister and Bronn (A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin)

Frodo and Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien)

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson (Sherlock Holmes series by Arthur Conan Doyle)

Harry Potter with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasely (Harry Potter series by JK Rowling)

Bertie Wooster and Jeeves (Jeeves series by PG Wodehouse)

Inspector Morse and Sergeant Robbie Lewis (Inspector Morse series by Colin Dexter)


Five Examples From Screen:


Batman and Robin

Han Solo and Chewbacca

The Lone Ranger and Tonto

House and Wilson

Captain Kirk and Mr Spock


Sidekicks are more than companions and assistants. A sidekick can alter the course of a story and offer a contrast to the protagonist, highlighting his or her behaviour for dramatic effect. Sidekicks provide a humanizing view of the main character, making him or her a little more tolerable despite their extreme behaviour. Sidekicks may not be the lead characters, but the stories in which they appear wouldn’t be the same without them.

Why villains don’t have sidekicks

The primary relationship between the main character and the sidekick is one of trust and loyalty. They do not have a physical relationship as this creates opportunities to break this trust or to change characters fundamentally. Villains, because they are untrustworthy, never have sidekicks. Villains have henchmen.

Do you need a sidekick? You decide




About N. M. Thomas

I was born in the West of France, a region I like a lot. We moved around a lot with my parents and ended up in Paris area when I was five. I lived around Paris area until I was twenty one and decided to move to England to improve my English (yes, just like that!) It wasn't easy to be in a country and a part of Britain itself (East Yorkshire)where I could not understand people talking to me. The accent was so important that it took me about a year to become fluent. I stayed there for four years and decided to go back home to Paris. I met my husband, who is American, and finally, only stayed just over a year in France as we moved to the United States. I've always loved literature and foreign languages. I speak fluent French and English, and know some Russian, Italian, Spanish and German. I started to write poems when I was a teenager. My dad actually influenced me a lot, he used to write beautiful poems in French (and I keep telling him he should publish them!)So, I carried on writing poems until I decided to start writing books. I've got two amazing children who keep me on my toes all day long so I only get some time to write at night, but I would not change that for the whole world! And I find inspirations from the music I listen, Lifehouse, Casting Crows, Fireflight and others, but also and mainly from instrumental music, original movie soundtracks (those I love!)
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